Week 6: Photoshop & Moodboard

(Task 1:) Moodboard Progression
This week was all about experimenting and playing with Photoshop to create our moodboard. We learnt about resizing and cropping photos, creating layers and blending using the eraser or gradient tool.

MY THEME (now)

As I was doing my moodboard, I started to stray away from my original theme (POTTERY) as I began to find new and more pictures to fill up the space of my moodboard. I realise that this was the wrong thing to do because I ended up taking more time than needed while going back and forth. This made me understood the importance of knowing exactly what kind of theme I want. This brings me to my new theme...

Lines in Nature

Although it may not be the right procedure, but I ended with such a theme when I realized that most of my pictures (besides pottery) consisted of veins of plants and lines in earth formations. I decided on 'lines in nature' because it still coincides with my original idea of using the lines in pottery in my designs.

This was the picture that made me change my theme. The veins on the rose and the wrinkles on the hands reminded me of the passing of time and it also gave me a lot of feelssss.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I wanted my collection to have meaning, and I feel like these are the small things in our surroundings that people do not notice or give much thought to.

So I really wanted my collection to be a reminder to not just myself, but to others, to be more aware and appreciative of nature and our surroundings.

Mood Board Submission
'Time and Fallen Leaves' (Title of Collection)

Finished Moodboard

As I look at my finished product and reflect, I began to understand why I chose such a theme.

'Time and Fallen Leaves' is a song by Korean duo AKMU. More than the lyrics of the song, I felt the title of it fitted so well with my theme and the general colour of my moodboard, which brings about sentiments of nolstagia. It also fits with the meaning and message I hope to instill in my designs.

I was also reminded of a poem by Korean independence activist Yoon Dong Ju, titled 'Prologue (서시)'. There was this one line that really touched me: '모든 죽어가는 것을 사랑해야지', which briefly translates to 'I will love all dying things'.

In the moodboard, the wilting plants and wrinkles on the hands are basically the focal points of my mood board, as these are the parts of our surroundings that I wish for people to notice and feel moved by.


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